Tips & Tricks

1. Replace the yarn in the pattern
2. Knitting gauge

1. Calculate how you can replace the yarn in the pattern:
I know that there can be many reasons why you want to change the yarn in a pattern, whether it is because you react to the material in the yarn or you want to save a few kroner. I always recommend using the yarn that I have written in my patterns, as this is yarn that I vouch for and I really like the quality of it myself - but I also know that everyone likes it differently. Therefore, below you will find a way to calculate how you can replace the yarn with another yarn of your choice.

Note: remember that you still have to measure the gauge and choose yarn that is approximately the same thickness as the original yarn in the pattern. 

The formula:
Number of skeins in the original pattern x meters per skein = meters of yarn used in the pattern. Meters of yarn used in the pattern / meters per skein to be changed to = new quantity of yarn. 

For example: A pattern using Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt, size S (2) has assumed the amount of yarn to be 650 gr. Peer Gynt has 50 gr in each skein and 91 metres. 650 / 50 = 13 skeins. 13 (number of skeins) x 91 (number of meters in one skein) = 1183 metres. 

Say you want to change yarn to Drops Karisma, which has a running length of 100 meters per skein. Then the calculation becomes: 1183 (metres used in the pattern) / 100 (metres in one skein of Drops Karisma) = 11.83 skeins of Drops Karisma. So the new amount of yarn is 12 skeins.

2. Knitting gauge
Always check the gauge by knitting a test patch. Wash and block the knitting sample. When it is dry: Count the number of stitches per 10 cm. If you have more stitches than stated, change to a thicker needle. If you have fewer stitches, change to a thinner needle.

iKnit Knitwear

Norwegian knitwear designer creating timeless and contemporary patterns for everyday comfort and style.

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